How Do You File a Claim Under a Commercial Insurance Policy?
Commercial Insurance Coverage
Also called business insurance, this type of coverage exists to financially protect business owners in the event of such misfortunes as lawsuits, worker or client injuries, theft, property damage, and more. Select an experienced agent to guide you through the numerous sub-categories that exist under this type of insurance.
First Things First
Of utmost importance when filing a commercial coverage claim is to contact your insurer as soon as possible after the event. Keep your policy close at hand so that you can review it while you contact your agent. If a crime has occurred, be sure to also contact the police immediately to get a police report of the event.
Important Details
After contacting your insurance company and, if necessary, the police, follow up by writing down as many details of the event as possible so that you have a written record.
Take an inventory of anything materially pertinent, such as items that were stolen in a burglary or equipment damaged in a fire. Photographing damage is also a great idea. Have all of these items at hand for the adjuster.
Back to Business
Stay in touch with your insurance agent as they guide you through recovery from the incident. Get at least two quotes from professionals for needed repairs, and collect documentation regarding compensation owed to people affected by the incident. Follow through on the repairs or compensation owed, again with your agent’s assistance.